
Verity de Yong (VED Cooks)

During the confines of lockdown, Verity de Yong, the founder of VED COOKS, embarked on an innovative endeavour to transform discarded fruit and vegetable skins into vibrant natural dyes. Inspired by the abundance of food waste generated in her own kitchen, she sought a creative solution that would not only reduce environmental impact but also elevate the beauty and elegance of home décor. With this passion ignited, Verity established VED COOKS, an ethical luxury brand that meticulously crafts exquisite textile homeware and accessories from the finest 100% Irish linen.

Committed to sustainability and ethical sourcing, Verity sources her linen from a mill that operates solely on renewable energy and adheres to ISO 14001 environmental standards, ensuring that her creations are not only environmentally conscious but also of the highest quality. Each piece is a testament to Verity's meticulous craftsmanship, meticulously handcrafted, pre-soaked in natural ingredients, dyed by hand, cut, and frayed to create unique and eco-friendly homewares. Verity's slow and mindful approach to natural dyeing allows the process to unfold over two to three weeks, ensuring that the rich, vibrant colours emerge, reflecting the natural beauty of the ingredients. Each unique piece bears witness to Verity's deep connection with nature and her unwavering commitment to creating products that are both exquisite and environmentally responsible.