Monday morning spent scrolling away on Instagram (with coffee and car keys in hand about to start another day of school runs and meetings) when all of a sudden I came across a moving object that within seconds had stopped me in my tracks – somehow calmed me down and replaced my manic exit from the house and nudged me to sit down and start watching.. watching and watching and watching some more until a sense of “wonderfulness” took over and I found myself fully immersed into an ethereal dreamlike state. Who is behind this moving body of work that has stopped me in my tracks and that now I feel all the better for it.
Wonder is a meditative moving sculpture that aims to show how everything is interconnected.”

Tom Lawton’s ability to keep his galactic scale of imagination and beliefs about what is possible, has made him one of the most exciting and greatest British inventors – thriving to create and invent solutions that bring happiness to all. His encyclopedia of inventions started straight after university in 1998, from the Wake Yoo (recordable alarm clock) followed by Bubble Scope (later became Bubblespix) which won him awards and critical acclaim. Always working with an intention to make something better in our lives, the environment and the struggle to educate about renewable energy led Tom to develop a wind powered light called Firewinder which accumulated more awards for his excellence in environmental design.
The “Wonder” has been created and designed by Tom who has worked tirelessly to develop “the most beautiful thing he could imagine” and deliver it to us, purposefully bringing comfort and kindness in a world that often seems over spilling with tension, treachery, division and fear. The ribbon-like structure finished in polished copper, flows like water and spirals into infinity. The result is to bring a calming presence to a space, creating an atmosphere and focal point for relaxation, contemplation & meditation.
Now all you have to do is take a deep breath and let yourself escape into the fluidity of Wonder’s rhythmic flow.
For all our local friends you can go see the Wonder inside Malmesbury Medieval Abbey, in Wiltshire.
For all other enquiries please visit – @tomlawton