There is a very distinct sense of satisfaction and discovery when you come across an art piece, song, film or more recently for me, a poem that makes you feel like celebrating – Possibly with the odd tear of relief or a rejoiceful giggle that you and this poet have shared an intimate moment in a life experience that you held on to exclusively until now. Losing yourself in words is turning out to be, for me one of my favorite things to do. Poems and poetry all day every day please… The best form of therapy, the closest thing to predictions and the most life affirming explanations of memories long forgotten.
Thanks to the brilliant platform @ArtforCharityCollective I came across the account @totallytellingtales and within seconds I was scrolling down this untapped page of emotional genius and searching and searching as to who could be behind this fun fair of poems about children for children. I don’t know if the result of endless days at home in Lockdown and trying hard to channel my inner Mary Poppins to get through another 5 minutes of homeschooling or the tenacious journey of navigating an emotional needs and fears of a 4 year old and 2 year old led me to find such relief and despair at the words I was reading but I am simply such a FAN!
I have been lucky enough to put a face to a name and meet the brilliant Laura @totallytellingtales and her story is beautiful and brilliant much like her work, but for now I will leave you with a few of my favorites.