
I Shop With Vigour By Kelly Eastwood

Kelly Eastwood, founder and creator of The London Chatter is our go to influencer and sustainable advocate when it comes to lifestyle choices and conscious fashion purchases. Not only does Kelly inspire as an ambassador for a number of top tier UK brands, Kelly champions a number of environmental organisations around the world from Kenya to the UK in addition to supporting  our brand’s message of storytelling and re-shaping how we shop. Here she is telling us what it means to her to ‘Shop with vigour’. Check out her top picks to purchase until the 16th March, where 100% or all V+S proceeds will be donated to @chooselove to support the crisis in Ukraine.

“I shop with Vigour because I always find such unique, detailed and characterful designs one only ever really find that when buying from small, independent brands. Watching videos of the makers in their studios or sheds across the country really helps to make my purchases feel so personal, like I’m truly investing in supporting their creativity and craft. With a transparent supply chain, an emphasis on enduring quality and with everything made sustainably from within Britain, from coffee cups to the cardigans, my shopping also feels pretty guilt free… Which is always a bonus!“

Between March 1st – March 16th all V+S proceeds will be donated to @Chooselove to support the crisis in Ukraine.

Kelly's selection