Trio of vases on Oak board


Handcrafted set of ceramic bud vases on oak. The vases are made on a potter’s wheel and sit nicely in three recessed circles in the oak board made by Tone's father in Norway. The vases come in a mix of toned-down shades of grey and white.

Available on Made To Order

Made to order time frame: 3 weeks
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Stoneware, Norwegian Oak
W: 12cm       L: 33cm         H: 11.5cm

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    Inspiration and Techniques

    Tone Von Krogh current collection of contemporary domestic Ceramics is strongly influenced by her impressions and memories of the winter landscapes in Norway. When the snow covers trees, rocks, paths and architecture; any sharp edges become soft and everyday shapes may become unrecognizable. She has tried to bring the same feel to her work with a range of tactile, wavy vases and softly distorted beakers, bowls and bottles. The colour range is reflecting the many tones of snow and ice and winter skies.